Somerset County Council - Kerb-Sorts

Well done to Somerset Waste Partnership, Somerset County Council & all the residents for the great achievement of increasing the weekly collection of recyclable materials and been named as the top county council in the UK when it comes to taking a lead on climate change.

Somerset Waste Partnership use a fleet of 86 bespoke designed Romaquip Ltd. Kerb-Sort recycling vehicles which were delivered in 2020.

All the Kerb-Sort vehicles supplied have multiple compartments for source segregation of waste at Kerb-Side. As we take pride in manufacturing robust, high quality, innovative Kerb-Side recycling vehicles, which are focused on meeting customer requirements, all the vehicles are equipped with the latest safety features designed & tested by Romaquip. All are also fitted with high-capacity cardboard compaction, RFID sensors, load weight monitoring, CCTV recording systems to name of a few of the features fitted.

Best of luck to Somerset County Council with their plans to become carbon neutral by 2030. Happy Recycling.

Don't forget to have a look at the video below. Great insight into the process implemented by Somerset Waste Partnership.

#netzero #netzerocarbon #sustainability #recycling #climatechange #somerset #wastecollection #wasterecycling

For more information on our Kerb-Sort vehicle please visit: and follow us here on LinkedIn to keep up to date with all our news.